Quility Brings the Power of Choice to Insurance Marketplace

Quility brings power of choice to insurance

We are excited to launch our Quility to help our clients get the best life insurance coverage at the best price. Read more about the announcement below. 

With a mission to provide choice and simplicity in an industry that is perceived to be complex, Quility provides the opportunity for its clients to get the coverage they need on their terms.

Quility is backed by more than 4,000 licensed insurance agents nationwide, a recent combination of partner companies Symmetry Financial Group and Asurea Insurance Services. With licensed agents available for virtual and in-person consultations, Quility provides its clients with convenient access to expert advice and support when shopping for and purchasing life insurance. If a client prefers to purchase a policy online, Quility provides a ten-minute digital application that generally requires no medical exam. Quility’s seamless digital platform offers support from a licensed agent throughout the process should a client have questions about coverage.

“We created Quility to meet our clients where they are, providing the power of choice in how they prefer to shop for and purchase life insurance,” said Casey Watkins, Co-Founder of Quility. “Whether it’s through a video consultation or our online application, our goal is to provide simplicity and choice every step of the way. Life insurance is so important, and we want to make it as simple as possible for American families to get the coverage they need.”

Quility insurance agents are available to connect clients with a suite of life insurance solutions including mortgage protection, term life insurance, and Debt Free Life, a turnkey program designed to eliminate debt in nine years or less without any additional expenses to the client.

Read the full press release here.

Calie Brummer
Head of Digital Communications
Calie Brummer is a staff writer and Head of Digital Communications at Quility Insurance with a focus on financial well-being and life insurance solutions.

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